Xtreme Youth Resources International

XYRI Forums

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Welcome to the XYRI Forums. Here you will find the opportunity to view input, ideas, inquiries, etc. on youth ministry related topics, as well as the opportunity to share your own thoughts and ideas.

A large part of our endeavor, here at XYRI, is to provide a place where leaders, youth and others from all around the world, can come together to openly share ideas, thoughts, and questions regarding various types of youth ministry. We feel that in banding together and sharing, helping, and supporting one another, we can be a stronger force in leading our young people to Christ, and growing in our ministries.

We have provided many topic areas on which to post discussions. If you have ideas for other topics, please let us know. We will consider all suggestions, and will gladly add helpful topics to the list.

Sign up today, and lets begin working together to find new ways to lead our youth to truly experience a relationship with Jesus Christ!

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God bless you and keep you.
The Xtreme Youth Resources International Staff

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